Welcome King Haigler neighbors!
While you are out in the neighborhood this evening we wanted to let you know how you can add some more fun to your Trick-or-Treating this evening. Located at 109 Colony Drive is a fall themed display and you’re invited to stop there for a picture with your group.
The first 50 who post their picture to social media – tags us (@camdennazarene) or uses the hash tag #camdennazatkinghaigler – we will have a special gift for you along with a candy bag at our hospitality tent at 33 Raindance Lane from 6pm – 7pm.
The first 50 who post their picture to social media – tags us (@camdennazarene) and use the hash tag #camdennazatkinghaigler – we will have a special gift for you along with a candy bag at our hospitality tent at 33 Raindance Lane from 6pm-7pm.
We hope to meet you soon!

This is just our way to reach out to your neighborhood in order to be a good neighbor and let you know we’re here for you and your family. You can find out more about us here.